Indiana since 1859; the Ouray County Plaindealer of Ouray County, Colorado under names that included "Plaindealer" during 1888–1939 and since 1969; and the Cresco Times Plain Dealer of Cresco, Iowa. The track and field season ended before it even started last year for Ouray, Ridgway and Silverton student-athletes, teasing them with a few practices before COVID-19 yanked it away from them prior to the first meet. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. 2 days ago · This full replica of our printed product provides you the newspaper as you know and love it from the convenience of the web. The new owners, Mike Wiggins and Erin McIntyre, purchased the paper in April 2019 and are happy to be local business owners who live in Ouray County and have a goal of connecting the Plaindealer's readership with. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. View Ouray obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Ouray, Colorado, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions from newspapers. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray County Plaindealer. Body. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. It’s how a small community bank like. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Elaine Jorgenson. Following a 20-minute executive session in which they received legal advice from. As they finished cross country practice on Friday afternoon, Canyon Ishikawa and Paton Edwards ran back and forth across Fellin Park, matching each other’s strides. Photo by William Woody. He may have come to Ouray as an accidental tourist, but Bill Fries ended his life as a beloved community member and friend. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Skip to main content. The pool was previously limited to 5o swimmers and now can have up to 175 people. Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray County's Newspaper of Record - published since 1877The Ouray County Plaindealer has served as Ouray County's official news source since 1877 and still publishes weekly on Thursdays. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Now, it's time for them to create a new go-to place for fine dining, at 220 S. Ouray County. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County’s new sheriff and undersheriff were sworn into office on Wednesday morning, after the county’s first recall election in history removed the previous sheriff from the position. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. The U. in Ridgway. Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. April 2, 1965-May 8, 2023 Laura Marie Huddleston, age 58, tragically passed away on the evening of May 8th, 2023, at her home in Ouray, Colorado with her loving family by her side. Ouray County Plaindealer. Photo courtesy Sam Rushing. The hand-carved bar of the Historic Western Hotel and the painting of a woman s face on the bar room floor are just a few of the unique details that caught the new owner’s eye when he considered purchasing the property. Plaindealer Staff Report [email protected]. Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray County Plaindealer July 14, 2023 BREAKING NEWS Man killed in accident on Highway 550 Illegal fireworks may bring hefty fine Mike Wiggins Wednesday, July 12,. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432And better leave those discount store inner tubes at home. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Erin McIntyre — Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. This story, focusing on. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. The 35-year-old takes over for longtime CEO Brenda Fox, who is now the chairwoman of the bank’s board of directors. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Kylea Henseler — Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray County Plaindealer Visit our website On Facebook On Twitter On Instagram Ouray County Plaindealer 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432The new coronavirus has dealt significant financial blows to most Ouray County businesses, keeping tourists, the lifeblood of the local economy, at bay and forcing shops and restaurants to severely. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. As it. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. And yet there's much more to do. Visitors will notice the renovation kept much of the history and nostalgia but introduced new elements, including a open-fire hearth for chefs. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Few institutions in Ouray County have enjoyed steady leadership like the Log Hill Volunteer Fire Department has over the past two decades. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. near mile marker 3 on the road leading to Yankee Boy Basin, Trooper Josh Lewis told the Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. The Plaindealer won the top number of awards among small newsrooms in a four-state region. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. It consequently is a way to remember those who have lost their. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Protest organizers Meg Kienapfel and Jordan Leo talk with Ouray Police Chief Jeff Wood, Ridgway Marshal Shane Schmalz and Ouray County Sheriff Lance FitzGerald on Thursday during the event in Fellin Park. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Lewis said authorities were working to identify the third person and notify next-of-kin of the. Keeping Ouray from being loved to death. But with the retirement of longtime leaders, the department is transitioning into a new era. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. On the factor's mezzanine, workers building. Locals might be familiar with Wood’s. The 132-year-old Western Hotel in Ouray has undergone a $15 million makeover. Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Perry’s new undersheriff. Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. 7 to announce his bid for reelection. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Employers cite a host of factors, with the primary one being a lack of affordable housing. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. It was one of 16 awards the local newspaper took home from the convention awards reception on Saturday. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Editor's note: The Ouray County Plaindealer is featuring nonprofit organizations which are based in Ouray County and serve Ouray County in a series of profiles titled Season of Sharing. When revelers gather along the Uncompahgre River on Saturday for the 15th annual Ridgway RiverFest, they’ll be greeted by a churning, swirling, murky, rollicking river, filled with snowmelt from the most prodigious Ouray County winter in the last…. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. m, save for the local and visiting ice climbers, hikers and other adventurers heading up to high elevation. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. His mother, Kayla Karsh, said she and Wolfe were both testing because her younger son tested positive. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Photos by Erin McIntyre — Ouray County Plaindealer Ouray County Emergency. Ouray County Plaindealer. It is the newspaper of record for the City of Ouray, Town of Ridgway and Ouray County. Body. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. He also drove and volunteered for the Ouray Mountain Rescue Team. By Liz Teitz on Thursday, September 17, 2020. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432A 72-year-old man from Ouray, a 60-year-old woman from Arizona and another person died in the accident, which occurred around 12:30 p. by Erin McIntyre, Ouray County Plaindealer and Liz Teitz, Ouray County Plaindealer 4:28 PM MST on Feb 25, 2021July 5, 1973 - The Ouray County Plaindealer, in business since 1877, is caught in a newsprint shortage that has, in the case of the Plaindealer, reached immediate crisis proportions. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Ouray County Plaindealer. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432He and his mother, Shaila, were swimming at the pool just before the capacity limits increased due to Ouray County moving into the “blue” category on the statewide COVID-19 reopening dial. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Premium Content is available to. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray, Silverton, Ridgway athletes remain on one team. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ridgway, Montrose and Ouray all responded to a fire at the old clubhouse on Log Hill Saturday night. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Lena St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 8143228 reviews for Salon Monti 824 Main St #732, Ouray, CO 81427 - photos, services price & make appointment. Fehd died Monday after the Jeep he was driving went off a cliff roughly three. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Now Wood is ready to put her own spin on exercise and movement with her new business, Studio Ouray, which opened in February at 408 Main St. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412. Mailing address: PO Box 529 Ridgway CO 81432Ouray County Plaindealer. Ouray County Plaindealer. Opening will occur in phases. Office address: 1075 Sherman St. Ouray County Plaindealer. Roughly 30 community members showed up to support Fuller and Graham. He filmed the video while contractors were digging trenches for Clearnetworx and its sister company Deeply Digital, Montrose-based internet service providers, to install. A portion of the crowd is shown at the Ouray County 4-H Event Center on Saturday. Ouray County Plaindealer. , #200 Ridgway, Colorado 81432 970-325-4412.